EntraPT finally online and published

EntraPT finally online and published

EntraPT finally online and published. EntraPT is a web-based application for elastic geobarometry freely accessible at the “Fiorenzo Mazzi” experimental mineralogy lab webpage (www.mineralogylab.com/software). It provides an easy-to-use tool to...

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Establishing a protocol for the selection of zircon inclusions in garnet for Raman thermobarometry In his latest manuscript Nicola investigate in depth the effects of zircon radiation damages onto their raman spectra and in turn how this affects...

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Updated PVT Equation of State for Rutile

Updated PVT Equation of State for Rutile

Updated PVT Equation of State for Rutile The conclusion of Zaffiro et al. (2019 Mineralogical Magazine, 83, 339–347) that the Mie–Grüneisen–Debye (MGD) Equation of State (EoS) cannot fit the available data for rutile is shown to be incorrect...

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