stRAinMAN software now released

stRAinMAN software now released

In his new paper published in Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie Ross Angel explains the development of the past year that led to the current version of the stRAinMAN program. This allows the strains acting on inclusions trapped in their host to...

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2018 SIMP Catania, Italy

2018 SIMP Catania, Italy

Come and see us at SIMP in Catania. The Conference of the “Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia” SIMP where we will present some of the new exciting results on elastic barometry and metorite impact processes. Here below you...

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Strain release after polishing

Strain release after polishing

In his new paper Nicola Campomenosi addresses the issues related to the release of the residual pressure in the inclusion due to exposure to the external pressure after polishing of the thin section. He illustrates with a careful set of...

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Europlanet 2018

Europlanet 2018

Mara Murri’s proposal “Cathodoluminescence as a tool for unravelling shock features of diamonds from impact craters” has been supported for 5 days of facility time by Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure funding scheme for a...

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EosFit-Pinc released

EosFit-Pinc released

An exact solution to the problem in elastic geobarometry of combining non-linear Equations of State (EoS) with the elastic relaxation for elastically isotropic spherical host-inclusion systems without any approximations of linear elasticity is...

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Continuous phase transitions in EosFit

Continuous phase transitions in EosFit

Continuous phase transitions in minerals, such as the α–β transition in quartz, can give rise to very large non-linear variations in their volume and density with temperature and pressure. In Angel et al 2017 we present a simplified description...

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