New thermoelastic properties for Zircon

New thermoelastic properties for Zircon

New thermoelastic properties for Zircon Alix Ehlers has now published a new manuscript where the thermal-pressure equation of state for zircon (ZrSiO4) that characterizes its thermoelastic behavior at metamorphic conditions has been determined...

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Serata di approfondimento scientifico presso Civico Planetario di Milano A cura di Nicola Mari I vulcani sono spettacolari manifestazioni geologiche di cui siamo ben a conoscenza sul nostro pianeta. Tuttavia, essi non sono da ritenersi esclusivi...

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New release of EosFit

New release of EosFit

New release of EosFit A new release of the EosFit software suit for equation of statecalculations is now available from This new versionsupports new EoS types, calculation of heat capacities, new utilitiesfor fitting unit-cell...

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Barringer award to Anna Barbaro

Barringer award to Anna Barbaro

Barringer award to Anna Barbaro The Barringer Family Fund for Meteorite Impact Research has been established as a memorial to recognize the contributions of Brandon, Moreau, Paul, and Richard Barringer to the field of meteoritics and the...

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EntraPT finally online and published

EntraPT finally online and published

EntraPT finally online and published. EntraPT is a web-based application for elastic geobarometry freely accessible at the “Fiorenzo Mazzi” experimental mineralogy lab webpage ( It provides an easy-to-use tool to...

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about us…

about us…

A nice new article in Horizon the EU research & innovation magazine “What happens below Earth’s surface when the most powerful earthquakes occur” hosts some of our latest findings on the MIR kimberlite pipe…. What happens...

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